Weather in Poonch

weather in poonch

Poonch district, the smallest among the 20 districts of the Jammu and Kashmir State, is situated between 33 degrees 25′ to 34 degrees 01′ north latitude and 73 degrees 58′ to 74 degrees 35′ east longitude. Geographically, it shares borders with the districts of Baramulla and Pulwama in the Kashmir Valley to the north-east, areas illegally occupied by Pakistan to the north-west, and the Rajouri district to the south. Encompassing an area of 1,674 square kilometers, Poonch is predominantly hilly and mountainous, with a few low-lying valleys. The district experiences diverse climatic conditions influenced by the varying altitudes across the region.


Comprising six tehsils – Balakote,Haveli,Mandi,Mankote, Mendhar, and Surankote – Poonch district consists of 178 villages. Despite its relatively small size and population, Poonch district boasts a rich cultural heritage and a distinctive historical background linked to the Mughal era. In the 17th century, the caravans of Mughal emperors en route to Kashmir traversed through Poonch district, and this historical route is now known as the Mughal road.

Covering an area of 1.14 lakh hectares, with 23 percent deemed cultivable, the district has 37,000 land holdings encompassing 54,000 hectares, according to the 1980-81 census. Approximately 30,000 hectares are irrigated. The principal crops cultivated in the region include maize, paddy, and wheat, with maize serving as the staple food for the local population. Poonch district serves as a microcosm of the state, reflecting its climate, culture, and secular outlook.

The linguistic diversity is evident as the inhabitants converse in Gojari and Punchi, which, according to Grieson, is a sister language to the Punjabi dialect Lendhi. Both languages are enriched with folk lores, Potari, and traditional folk songs.”

Natural Beauty Amidst Challenging Weather: Begin by highlighting the picturesque landscapes and the natural beauty that the weather in Poonch contributes to. Describe how the changing seasons bring unique charms, such as snow-covered mountains, lush green valleys, and blooming flowers during specific times of the year.

Tourist Attractions: Highlight Poonch as a tourist destination and showcase the positive aspects of the weather that attract visitors. Discuss outdoor activities, scenic spots, and the overall appeal of the region during specific seasons.There are  lots of places attracting the visitors towards their natural beauty.

Tehsils of District Poonch:

“weather in Poonch” is a unique blog covering all the leatest information of poonch.The teshils of District Poonch is as under:


Tehsil Balakote, a noteworthy subdivision within Poonch district, encompasses 13 revenue villages. Nestled in a strategic location, Balakote is situated along the Line of Control (LoC), adding a unique geopolitical dimension to its significance. This tehsil, with its picturesque landscapes, plays a crucial role in the district’s cultural and historical tapestry. Balakote’s 13 revenue villages contribute to the area’s charm, each with its distinct character and stories. The proximity to the Line of Control further underscores the tehsil’s strategic importance, making it an integral part of Poonch’s geographical and cultural mosaic.”


Tehsil Haveli, nestled within Poonch district, is a significant administrative subdivision with 51 revenue villages. Situated at a strategic location, Haveli serves as a pivotal hub within the district. The tehsil not only plays a crucial role in the local administrative framework but also contributes to the cultural and historical tapestry of Poonch. Haveli is strategically positioned as part of the district headquarters, enhancing its administrative importance. This tehsil, with its diverse landscapes, incorporates the essence of Poonch’s natural beauty. Its 51 revenue villages encapsulate the region’s rural life, each contributing to the overall charm and character of Haveli. As an integral part of Poonch, Tehsil Haveli stands as a testament to the district’s cultural richness and administrative significance, fostering a sense of community and heritage in this picturesque part of Jammu and Kashmir.


“Mandi, one of the tehsils within Poonch district, is characterized by its chilly climate and captivating landscapes. Situated in the northern region, Mandi boasts a stunning location marked by 37 revenue villages. Nestled amidst the hills and valleys, Mandi offers a picturesque setting that adds to its natural allure. The tehsil is known for its extremely cold weather, creating a winter wonderland for its residents and visitors alike. The crisp mountain air, snow-covered peaks, and serene surroundings make Mandi an ideal destination for those seeking tranquility and natural beauty. Despite its challenging weather conditions, the tehsil is home to a resilient community that has adapted to and thrives in this unique environment. Mandi, with its distinct charm and breathtaking vistas, contributes to the diverse tapestry of Poonch district.”

weather in poonch


Mankote Tehsil, nestled within Poonch district, is characterized by its serene landscapes and cultural vibrancy. Situated at a unique geographical location, Mankote is marked by its proximity to the mesmerizing natural surroundings. With a total of 16 revenue villages under its jurisdiction, this tehsil plays a pivotal role in contributing to the rich tapestry of Poonch’s cultural heritage.

The tranquility of Mankote is complemented by its unique blend of traditional and contemporary influences. The tehsil serves as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of diverse communities within the region. Mankote’s strategic position not only makes it an integral part of the district but also contributes to its economic and agricultural significance. As one explores Mankote, the echoes of its historical roots and the warmth of its local community paint a vivid picture of a tehsil with a distinct identity within the vibrant mosaic of Poonch district.


“Mendhar, one of the prominent tehsils in Poonch district, is a region of distinct charm and significance. Located at a picturesque locale within the district.Mendhar is home to 28 revenue villages, each contributing to the area’s unique cultural tapestry. Nestled amidst the natural beauty of the surrounding hills and valleys, Mendhar exemplifies the mountainous terrain that characterizes Poonch district.This tehsil, with its vibrant local community, plays a pivotal role in preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the region. The residents of Mendhar, like their counterparts in other parts of Poonch, contribute to the linguistic diversity of the district, with languages such as Gojari and Punchi being spoken. The tehsil’s rich agricultural landscape, coupled with its geographical features, adds to the overall charm and significance of Mendhar within the tapestry of Poonch district.”

weather mendhar 10 days


Surankote, one of the tehsils within Poonch district, holds a distinctive charm with its 33 revenue villages. Nestled amidst the rugged terrain and mountainous landscapes, Surankote experiences an exceptionally cold climate, contributing to its unique character. The cold weather adds a sense of tranquility to this region, creating an environment that is both challenging and enchanting. Amidst the chilly temperatures, the 33 revenue villages in Surankote showcase the resilience of the local community, adapting to the climatic conditions while preserving their cultural heritage. The scenic beauty of this tehsil, coupled with the frigid climate, offers a picturesque backdrop, making Surankote a captivating destination within the larger tapestry of Poonch district.

Weather in Poonch:

The climate of Poonch, influenced by its geographical location, remains a pivotal factor in shaping the agricultural practices of the region. The district, situated between 33 degrees 25′ to 34 degrees 01′ north latitude and 73 degrees 58′ to 74 degrees 35′ east longitude, experiences diverse climatic conditions owing to its hilly and mountainous terrain.

Paddy Cultivation:

In the lush valleys and lower-altitude areas, paddy fields dominate the landscape. The “weather in  Poonch” with its moderate temperatures and well-distributed rainfall provides an ideal setting for paddy cultivation. The terraced fields, a testament to the innovative farming practices adapted to the hilly terrain, showcase the resilience of farmers in the face of the unique climate challenges.

Maize, the Resilient Staple:

 Maize, a hardy crop well-suited to diverse climates, thrives in Poonch’s varied topography. The “weather in Poonch” contributes to the success of maize cultivation, offering the necessary conditions for growth. Farmers, attuned to the seasonal nuances dictated by the climate, carefully nurture their maize crops, ensuring a bountiful harvest that sustains both the economy and local diets.

Wheat’s Winter Symphony:

As winter blankets the region in snow, wheat takes center stage in the agricultural narrative of Poonch. The winter wheat cultivars, strategically planted in response to the “weather in Poonch,” endure the cold temperatures to yield a rich harvest. The snowfall, rather than hindering cultivation, becomes a natural insulator, protecting the winter wheat and ensuring a robust yield come spring.

Climatic Challenges and Adaptations:

While the “weather in Poonch” presents favorable conditions for agriculture, it also poses challenges that farmers adeptly navigate. The varying altitudes demand a nuanced approach to cultivation, with farmers adjusting their practices to suit the specific needs of each crop in different microclimates. The resilience of Poonch’s agricultural community lies in its ability to adapt and innovate in response to the ever-changing climatic patterns.

Culmination of Abundance:

Poonch, with its strategically cultivated paddy, maize, and wheat fields, stands as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between agriculture and the unique climate that governs the region. The keywords, “climate of Poonch,” echo through the terraced fields, snow-covered landscapes, and thriving crops, portraying a resilient community that has mastered the art of cultivating prosperity in the lap of nature’s variability.

6 thoughts on “Weather in Poonch”

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