Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies

Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies-Module 15

Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies

Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies-Module 15 Answer Key

To help students learn new concepts in mathematics, teachers should use concrete material that a child can relate to like coins, marbles etc.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

2) Assigning peer tutors will help the students clarify their doubts for revision and to share their notes with them.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

3) Select the types of multiple intelligence from the given options below:
– Musical, logical, interpersonal
– Linguistic, existential, naturalistic
– Intrapersonal, kinesthetic, visuo-spatial
– All of the above
– Correct answer: All of the above

4) Oral education revisions are beneficial for slow learners and underachievers.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

5) When a slow learner completes a task or masters a concept, or otherwise triumphs, it is not important to praise them.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: False

Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies-Module 15 Answer Key

6) Short and frequent lessons are much better than longer lessons when it comes to teaching a child who is a slow learner.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

7) Using real-life experience when teaching mathematics is not a helpful teaching strategy.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: False

8) Mnemonics can help students create an image of a special word that can be linked to the answer they are learning.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

9) Video, pictures, and audio can help students learn things that they would not pick up from reading alone.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

10) Living any class responsibility helps students build confidence and makes them feel like an important member of the class community.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies-Module 15 Answer Key

11) Multiple-intelligence concept refers to a theory describing different ways in which students learn and acquire information.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

12) Select the types of multiple intelligence from the given options below:
– Musical, logical, interpersonal
– Linguistic, existential, naturalistic
– Intrapersonal, kinesthetic, visuo-spatial
– All of the above
– Correct answer: All of the above

13) To help students learn new concepts in mathematics, teachers should use concrete material that a child can relate to like coins, marbles etc.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

14) Oral education revisions are beneficial for slow learners and underachievers.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: True

15) When a slow learner completes a task or masters a concept, or otherwise triumphs, it is not important to praise them.
– True
– False
– Correct answer: False

Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies-Module 15 Answer Key

Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies

Teaching strategies for slow learners and underachievers require a tailored approach that recognizes and addresses their individual needs. First and foremost, it’s crucial to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel safe to express themselves without fear of judgment. Breaking down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable chunks can help alleviate feelings of overwhelm and increase understanding. Incorporating multisensory activities, such as hands-on projects or visual aids, can also enhance comprehension and engagement for these students.

Moreover, fostering a growth mindset is essential. Encouraging students to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks can empower them to persist through difficulties and develop resilience. Providing regular feedback and celebrating incremental progress can boost confidence and motivation. Additionally, offering alternative assessment methods that allow students to demonstrate their understanding in ways that play to their strengths can help mitigate feelings of inadequacy and promote a sense of achievement. Ultimately, by employing a combination of patience, empathy, and targeted instructional strategies, educators can support slow learners and underachievers in reaching their full potential.

Slow Learner And Underachiever: Teaching Strategies

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